Muslim Law & Jurisprudence has traditionally been a rewarding subject in CSS examination. Many top position-holders had opted for this subject due to its distinction of consistently yielding high scores. The previous scheme of CSS exam for Muslim Law & Jurisprudence has been not elaborately defined; however, it has been done now through the changes to the CSS syllabi announced by the FPSC. The new, revised curriculum introduces the CSS aspirants to major areas of relevance of Islamic law to the contemporary world. The most fundamental objective behind these changes is to familiarize the candidates with the basic concepts, sources, principles of Islamic Law, and their application in Pakistan. The paper contains 100 marks and encompasses the following aspects:
Sources of Islamic Law
There are many sources of Islamic Law ranging from Quran to edicts (Fatawa); however, after changes only five sources now make up the course. It has made grasping the concepts easier which will definitely help students in actual paper.
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
This segment forms a major part of the jurisprudence portion. It deals with many principles ranging from those pertaining to state and its administration to the interpretation of Islamic laws and so on and so forth.
Islamic Criminal Law
The concept of crime and punishment with emphasis on Hudood, Tazir, Qisas and Diyat are included under this head. These terminologies are so frequently used in daily life that almost all the candidates, irrespective of the fact that (s)he has opted for ML&J or not, are familiar with and feel comfortable to write on.
Islamic Family Law
The Religion of Nature, Islam, has provided detailed rules and laws that govern the family matters. The curriculum deals with marriage, dower, separation and its different forms, post-separation maintenance, child custody and inheritance with relevant enactments. Good news for the students is that the time-consuming concepts of gift, will, waqf, marz-ul-maut and preemption have no mention in the new curriculum.
New Additions
Islamic banking and insurance (takaful) have been included along with the concept of human rights in Islam. These areas have very recently got huge importance as the debate on compatibility of Islamic rules with the conventional or prevailing ones has been on the rise. With the widespread acceptance of Islamic banking and insurance, need for new regulations, laws and rules, has emerged. And, it will make these areas more relevant to the CSS aspirants.
With wars/armed-conflicts taking place across the globe especially in Islamic countries, whether it is against terrorism or for defence of Holy places, the Islamic concept of International law becomes more relevant as sometimes it comes in direct clash with international law as practiced by states.
In short, new curriculum announced by the FPSC is much precise and compact. After a glance at suggested readings and curriculum, CE-2016 aspirants can take a sigh of relief that they can easily guess that what the upcoming paper would be. If the candidates work hard, the whole syllabus can be completed within a month, with guaranteed excellent marks.