Psychological control on fear to fail, positive motivation, persistent action, hard work, and a smart preparation strategy are imperative to success.
Jahangir’s World Times (JWT): First of all, please tell us about your educational background?
Ayaz Hussain (AH): After matriculation, I did my FSc from Government College University, Lahore. Then I did MBBS from King Edward Medical University (KEMU), Lahore in 2015.
JWT: As everyone starts dreaming of a future career in childhood, so what were your dreams? Did you always aspire to be a PMS officer?
AH: Contrary to most aspirants, I never dreamed of becoming an administrator; and that too in the Provincial Management Service. It all started a couple of years ago when I read a book ‘Dreams Unfulfilled’ written by former Foreign Secretary Mr Shamshad Ahmad and published by Jahangir Books. After reading this excellent book, I got sensitized about the crisis of governance at domestic as well as global level. After that, I decided to pursue my career in public administration.
JWT: How much helpful did you find Jahangir’s World Times (JWT) during your preparation?
AH: To my mind, JWT provides fundamental knowledge about Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs and also Islamiat for all competitive examinations. But, the most important thing is that it’s a great source of quality for English Essay paper.
JWT: What, in your opinion, is the key to get through compulsory papers especially that of General Knowledge?
AH: I think Daily Dawn newspaper, Jahangir’s World Times (JWT), and authentic books on General Knowledge (MCQs) are sufficient for getting through the General Knowledge paper.
JWT: What was your strategy that yielded you good marks in compulsory papers?
AH: The preparation for compulsory subjects requires great English writing skills as well as a complete understanding of geopolitical and socioeconomic challenges faced by Pakistan, and the world at large. However, it cannot be learned overnight. Therefore, daily writing practice and consistently gaining knowledge about contemporary national as well as international affairs will ensure excellent marks in compulsory subjects.
JWT: What were the toughest and the easiest parts of your entire PMS journey?
AH: Interestingly enough, I never felt any difficulty throughout my preparation for PMS examination; rather, I thoroughly enjoyed my entire journey.
JWT: Anything important about your PMS experience you want to share with the aspirants.
AH: Psychological control on fear to fail, positive motivation, persistent action, hard work, and a smart preparation strategy are imperative to success.
Your interview Experience
I was interviewed by a four-member panel and the whole process took nearly 40 minutes.
First of all, Mr Chairman asked me to introduce myself.
Then he asked questions about my hobbies to which I replied that they include doing gym exercise and watching movies. Upon a question on my favourite movies, I named Sherlock Holmes and 12 Angry Men. Then, he asked me to explain the basic theme of the latter of the two. When he asked that why should the panel recommend me for this post; I told him that because I have a brilliant educational career. And secondly, I am a science student and a scientific approach to public administration must be adopted in order to solve the problems of the masses.
Questions the panel asked were mostly opinion-based and I gave them 2-3 solid reasons to defend my stance. They wanted to elicit my opinion on diverse issues like rising extremism in South Punjab, efficacy of military courts, global terrorism and its causes, rise of ISIS, political economy, reforms in education system of Pakistan, presidential election of the United States, province-centre tension and on general science. Although, I dropped some ‘what’ questions, I gave satisfactory answers to ”why” questions.
Advice for Fresh Aspirants
Almost everybody in his/her youth is intelligent. However, hard work and consistent action make the real difference.