1. Introduction

2. Muslim Ummah: meaning and concept

3. A fleeting look at the Muslim world

a. The total number of Muslim countries in the world, at present, is 57
b. Over 1.7 billion people, or about 23% of the world’s population, are Muslims
c. Aggregate size of the economies of all Muslim countries is around $5.7 trillion – 8.1% of the world’s total
d. The combined per capita income of Muslim countries amounts to $4,185
e. Islam is the second-largest faith after Christianity
f. Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims
g. The only nuclear state in the Muslim world is Pakistan

4. Do Muslim countries not deserve to be called “Ummah”?
Yes, they don’t!

a. Hatred on sectarian grounds
i. Shia-Sunni issues
ii. Deobandi–Barelvi issues
iii. Sunni–Ahle Hadith issues

b. Slaughter of Muslims at the hands of Muslims
i. Massacre in Syria
ii. Killing of rebels in Yemen
iii. Taliban-led terrorism in Afghanistan
iv. Sectarian, Taliban-made and nationalist killings in Pakistan
v. IS–Government conflict in Iraq

c. Interstate conflict dominating every bond of religion
i. Iran–Saudi Arabia conflict
ii. Qatar-isolation episode
iii. Afghan–Pakistan crisis
iv. Cold Pakistan–Iran relations
v. Bangladesh–Pakistan antagonism

d. Muslim countries’ indifference to the sufferings of Muslims across the globe
i. Killing of Muslims (Rohingya) in Myanmar (Burma)
ii. Indian brutalities in Kashmir
iii. Israeli atrocities in Palestine
iv. Refugees of Syria

e. Muslim countries’ support to the enemies of Muslims
i. Afghan support to Indian agency RAW
ii. Saudi support to revolutionaries and rebels in Syria
iii. Saudi support to IS, al-Qaeda and Taliban
iv. Muslim countries’ support to USA and allied forces against Taliban government in Afghanistan

5. Reasons for disunity among Muslims
a. Aloofness from Islamic teachings
b. Absence of Ijtihad
c. Lust for wealth and power
d. Destructive role of religious scholars
e. Poor show of educational institutions
f. Damaging role of non-Muslim actors
g. Dependent foreign policies of Muslim countries
h. Absence of dedicated leadership
i. Undemocratic rulers

6. Impact of disunity on Muslims and rest of the world
a. Poverty and backwardness
b. Political and economic instability
c. Emergence of terrorist groups
d. Loss of life and infrastructure
e. Tarnished image in the eyes of the world
f. Rise of doubt and cynicism
g. Damage to the cause of Islam
h. Distraction from issues of prime importance

7. Inter-connected and peaceful world: the way forward
a. Following Quran and Sunnah
b. Revival of Ijtihad
c. Establishment of state institutions on stable footing
d. Constructive role of clergymen
e. Delivering role of educational institutions
f. Formation of combined security architecture
g. Devising of independent foreign policy
h. Inculcation of leadership qualities
i. Introduction of democracy
j. Effective role of OIC

8. Conclusion

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