Imran Khan: The Hope
Pakistani nation has selected Imran Khan as their next Prime Minister in the General Elections 2018. It really sounds so satisfying when we hear about the plans of the Prime Minister for the future. He is working really very hard to solve all the problems that are impediments to Pakistan’s progress. He has auspicated his government in an extraordinary manner. It is not only the duty of the government but also of the nation to work with true enthusiasm and zeal to make Pakistan great and a country of true patriots.
Izza Fatima
NUST Affairs
NUST has always been one of the most prestigious institutes of Pakistan but according to the recent reports, its reputation has been affected badly, mainly because of a few events. These were highlighted by NUST students and members of faculty. Those events include the suicide of a young girl in the university’s hostel. Though no one can be sure about the actual cause of the suicide, yet many people have been found saying that the university administration is too hard on students and this harshness destroys their mental health. The faculty members have been bullying and mocking the students and have been accused of having an awfully non-supportive and non-appreciative attitude towards them which ends up in putting too much pressure on them and ruining their self-esteem.
One other thing is their recent policy on smoking which appears to be a bit sexist as the notice clearly states that if a female student is seen in the smoking areas of the university, she will be fined/punished. This initiative has offended the public in a great manner. Many are waiting to see whether the institute is going to make amendments in their policies and whether they are going to take any steps on promoting the cause of mental health among the young generation.
Rabya Arshad
Include Articles on Political Science
Most humbly and respectfully it is stated that I am a regular reader of Jahangir’s World Times magazine. In fact, I have been reading this magazine since 2012 when I was in intermediate. But, now I am preparing for CSS 2019 exam, therefore, I request you to include the topics of Political Science, especially on Muslim and Western philosophers, in upcoming issues of JWT.
Mohammad Panah (Larkana, Sindh)
Trees are Life
Trees add beauty to the world we live in. Whenever we think of a place where we can enjoy and rest, trees always make an essential part of the scene. No place of beauty in this world is complete without trees. That’s why when we select a picnic spot, we generally keep in mind the presence of shady trees. They give us delicious fruits to eat. So, it is our duty to make efforts to increase the number of trees so that a happy and healthy future of the world is ensured.
Sharan Hassan (Kech)
Revamp the Education System
Pakistan’s current education system is extremely volatile and is unable to change the deep-rooted effects of status quo. In our country, the conservative mindset has greatly hampered the progress in the dynamic yet different areas of the country for many decades. No provision of women’s education, exploitation of youth, economic instability and social chaos are the products of status quo. However, education as an antidote to these multiple evils is largely found passive in coping with the challenges posed by this vice. Our new Prime Minister, Imran Khan, claims to be a leftist who believes in breaking the shackles of status quo. His efforts will remain futile unless he introduces a robust system of education so as to produce liberal minds which will be key to halting extremists, unlocking potential of women to upend the patriarchal culture and mobilizing the nation to root out deep-seated economic, cultural, ethnic and lingual difference. Education system must be changed and be substituted with the one that encourages the students to use their critical approach and uproot the barriers in the path towards enlightenment and advancement of society. Unless education is revamped or restructured, the dark shadow of status quo would continue resisting the liberal as well as progressive mindset in the society. The present system of education is an omen for dangerous outcomes in future. It requires immediate attention from all sectors of society.
Syed Waqar Hussain (Larkana)