TIPS for the ESSAY

TIPS for the ESSAY

1. The essay should be spread over at least 25 A4 size paper sheets. The topic is of such a nature that sufficient material can be provided in it.

2. The topic statement is not open: it would not be possible to go against it; you should present your arguments in the support of the topic.

3. While explaining the meaning of the term “accountability”, use several standard definitions e.g. given by the United Nations, in addition to describing the general concept of the term.

TIPS for the ESSAY4. Third main point of the outline is extremely important. Here you are supposed to make a detailed analysis of the prevailing accountability apparatus in the county. All the statutes and organizations which have been created to ensure accountability should be discussed here. Anti-Corruption Establishment, NAB, FIA and AGP are some of the organizations mandated to ensure accountability in the country.

5. In the main argument part of the essay, different benefits of accountability should be described and they would be linked with democracy. You, in this part, would prove with the help of examples and arguments that all the positive outcomes of accountability directly strengthen democracy. As this is the main agenda part of the essay, your arguments should be substantiated with authentic facts and figures, references from books, quotations and statements, etc., because unless you give the examiner quality material with good presentation, you cannot expect to get even the passing marks from him. Main argument part of the essay is usually spread over 8-10 A-4 size sheets.

6. Causes behind poor accountability mechanism in Pakistan have been divided into different categories. You should explain those in an extremely logical way. Presenting some fact as a “cause” is acceptable only if you reasonably justify it. Similarly, all your recommendations should be based on the causes. If you forget to include some point in “causes,” do not mention it in recommendation.

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