In fact, the new syllabus is an endeavour to elaborate the characteristics of each topic in the light of modern trends of public management as acquired through research, and are widely practiced the world over. The CSS aspirants, especially those who are still confused about selecting their optional subjects, should go through, at least once, the contents of the subject keeping in view the fact that as officers in the Civil Service of Pakistan, they will have to understand the dynamics of public management and more vividly their implementation all through their career. Being novice in the field of Public Administration, most of their efforts would be geared towards implementation of public policy which is the main and most important part of any public policy resulting in failure or success.
The changes introduced to the syllabus are in consonance with the demand of the new methodology being used in imparting training to Commoners during Common Training Programme (CTP), and later during Specialized Training Programme (STP). Thrust is on highlighting governance, good governance and elements/ingredients of administrative concepts in the light of researches of World Bank and other international institutions. The administrative accountability besides traditional concepts of internal and external accountability mechanism also highlights the role of civil society, the media and NGOs in spreading awareness among the masses and put pressure on the successive governments to bring transparency in their working and delivery system.
Hitherto financial administration was taught but now it is not restricted only to learn few traditional concepts, and the tools of budgeting and different techniques of formulating budget proposals and ensuring optimal results are being utilized in developing countries successfully. Gender mainstreaming is one of the most important areas being given top priority in development so that gender equality may be achieved in the long run if dividends of long-term investment are to be harnessed in the true sense.
Administrative law is the subject with which a civil servant comes across more often and sometimes it needs a real understanding in disposing of peculiar type of public issues. So the aspirants of CSS should also have a glance at these topics so that they may understand the issues in broader perspective.