English Essay
1. Accountability and democracy
2. Elimination of terrorism and the National Action Plan
3. Building counter-narrative against terrorism and the role of social sciences
4. Higher education in Pakistan
5. Women in civil service
6. Need for electoral reforms in Pakistan
7. CPEC and regional connectivity
8. Future of the United Nations
9. Human development and Pakistan
10. Kashmir’s third Intifada
11. Issues of agriculture sector
12. Media’s role in creating awareness on national issues
13. E-governance in Pakistan: prospects & challenges
14. Global warming and the Paris Climate Agreement
15. Importance of local government system in a democracy
General Science & Ability (by Sir Azmatullah)
1. Solar and lunar eclipses, characteristics of the earth, the sun and the moon.
2. Draughts, wildfires, cyclones, challenges to disaster/risk management in Pakistan.
3. Heavy and hard water, renewable energy resources, methods of energy conservation.
4. Plastics, Pesticides, Biefuels
5. Antibiotics, vaccines, evolution, genetic engineering of DNA.
6. Functions of kidneys, liver, brain, blood, human eye. Circulatory system, digestive system
7. Immune system, AIDS, Congo fever.
8. Plate tectonics, air and water pollution, ozone, solid waste management.
9. Enzymes, food presentation, food adulteration, balanced diet and its importance.
10. Internet, social networking, cell phones, Information system.
Current Affairs (by Dr Qaiser)
1. How would you define foreign policy? Critically analyze Pakistan’s foreign policy toward the US during Barack Obama presidency.
2. How CPEC would be a game-changer? Discuss.
3. Pakistan has lost parity in the region vis-à-vis India in the wake of US-India nuclear deal. Discuss.
4. The challenge posed by globalization is greater than we had expected. Discuss the statement in the context of Pakistan.
5. The SCO may offer Russia what she could not get through years of war? Discuss.
6. Discuss pros and cons of Pakistan and India joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
7. What are the irritants in Pakistan-India relations? Discuss any one of them.
8. The entry of Donald Trump in the White House is bound to affect South Asia. Discuss.
9. Terrorism is Pakistan’s biggest internal problem. Discuss terrorism in the background of Pakistan’s ethno-political differences.
10. At the core of every problem in Pakistan lies overpopulation. The youth bulge may harm Pakistan more than benefiting it. Discuss.
11. SAARC has been facing the challenge of functionality. Discuss.
12. Afghanistan may not stop influencing Pakistan. Discuss in the light of Pak-Afghan relations.
13. Knowledge economy offers some economic solutions to economic problems of Pakistan. Discuss.
Pakistan Affairs (by Salman Kazmi)
1. Write a comprehensive note on the evolution and growth of Muslim society in the Subcontinent. Do you find any connection between this evolution and the ideology of Pakistan?
2. The period of five dynasties in India proved to be a very important time in which Islam did not only remain intact rather it kept on enhancing which ultimately proved very helpful in the making of Pakistan.
3. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi was the first-ever person who recognized the separate entity of the Muslims as a nation in the Subcontinent. Without his services, Islam would have been distorted and the Two Nation Theory and Ideology of Pakistan would have been elusive. Discuss.
4. Highlight the causes of the War of Independence 1857 along with the consequences, especially with regard to class differentiation between Hindus and the Muslims.
5. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan rendered meritorious services to enlighten the Mohammadans of India with education. The educated Muslims got knowhow about their rights and ultimately it became a vital force for the Pakistan Movement. Elaborate.
6. Write short notes on the following
(a) Darul Uloom Deoband (b) Nadvatul Ulema
(c) Islamia College Peshawar (d) Sind Madrasatul Islam
7. It is the geographical location of Pakistan which has become immensely important for the superpowers to keep on taking interest in the domestic and international affairs of Pakistan.
8. Pakistan is considered to have a great versatility in its physical features. Write a comprehensive note on these physical features. Illustrate your answer.
9. Write notes on the following:
(a) Natural resources of Pakistan (b) Industries in Pakistan
10. Write a detailed note on non-traditional security threats to Pakistan and the role performed by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in this regard.
11. Pakistan is faced with multifaceted problems. In order to counter some of these, the National Action Plan was created. Do you feel that this plan has become successful? Support your opinion with some factual information in this regard.
12. Kashmir continues to define the parameters of the Pak-India relationship. The time has come that India should act beyond its unacceptable status quo stance in Kashmir. It is clear that India cannot maintain status quo in Kashmir indefinitely as it is untenable. Discuss.
13. India has really become hostile as it wants to sabotage the CPEC. Because it is said that CPEC is supposed to create new avenues of economic prosperity in Pakistan. A flood of opportunities will flow toward youth and the whole scenario will be changed. Do you agree with this statement? Write a detailed note in this regard.
14. Operation Zarb-e-Azb has significantly curtailed terrorist activities. Elaborate with the help of your own views in this regard.
15. Write in detail the causes of the separation of East Pakistan. What was the main event according to you which triggered this incident? Do you find any similarity between the circumstances prevailing in East Pakistan in 1970-71 and those in Balochistan today?
Islamic Studies (by Hafiz Arshad)
1. Humanity is in dire need of peace. How it can be achieved in the light of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a complete role model for people belonging to all segments of society. Discuss.
3. Shrewd diplomacy can help resolve even the biggest issues. What guidance a diplomat gets from the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
4. A teacher plays a crucial role in the eradication of vices and evils from a society. How the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the greatest role model for a teacher?
5. Explain the rights and status that Islam endows on women.
6. What sort of guidance do the Holy Quran and Sunnah provide in the realm of Public Administration?
7. Extremism, sectarianism and terrorism are cancerous to a society. Give suggestion to eradicate these menaces.
8. What is meant by civilization and culture? While describing the characteristics of Islamic Civilization, bring out the commonalities between Islamic and Western civilizations.
9. In what ways, the belief in Tawhid impacts the life of a man?
10. Describe the spiritual, moral and social impacts of Islamic worships.
11. Proxy wars in Syria and Iraq have devastated the Muslim world. Suggest the solution of Muslims’ problems in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
12. Elaborate the meanings of Ijma and Ijtehad. What are the conditions for being a Mujtahid? Also give suggestions for the establishment of Ijtehad institutions in Pakistan.
13. While explaining the economic system of Islam, bring out the hazardous impacts of Riba.
14. What is the concept of accountability in Islam? How Islamic principles of accountability can be applied in today’s Pakistan?
Agriculture & Forestry (by Raja Qasim)
1. Climate Change is a global phenomenon. How it is affecting agriculture productivity in Pakistan? Suggest measures to improve agricultural productivity in the wake of this issue?
2. What factors have largely contributed to the failure of cotton crop in Pakistan during the year 2015-16? How sustainability in crop productivity can be achieved?
3. Water-logging and salinity are the major problems faced by the Pakistani soils. Why this problem is so common in our country? Suggest some reclamation techniques.
4. Discuss the scope GMO crops in Pakistan. Support your arguments with suitable examples.
5. What is ‘biological nitrogen fixation’? How it is important for the sustenance of an agricultural ecosystem. Discuss the factors that affect biological nitrogen fixation.
6. Pesticides have posed a serious challenge to human as well environmental health. How do you see Integrated Pest Management as a strategy to substitute these chemical controls in present-day agriculture?
7. Write short notes on only four of the following:
a. Soil texture and structure
b. Land reforms in Pakistan
c. Composting
d. Farming systems
e. Integrated agriculture
f. Organic farming
g. Soil fertility
h. Contribution of livestock sector in national economy
i. Scarcity of irrigation water in Pakistan
8. Watershed management has remained a neglected field in Pakistan. Discuss major causes behind poor watershed management. Also provide some sound recommendations to improve sustainability in watershed projects?
9. No forest policy in Pakistan has, so far, been able to achieve its objective. Identify basic reasons behind this and suggest some suitable measures to formulate a good policy for forest sector in Pakistan?
10. Wildlife biodiversity is an important asset for any country but due to unwise approach of man, it is facing serious threats. In the light of this statement, identify some endangered species in Pakistan. What problems they have been facing for their survival? Suggest some suitable measures for their conservation.
11. What is silviculture? Discuss various silviculture systems for managing different forests in Pakistan?
12. Short Notes:
a. Silviculture operations b. Forest management
c. Forest types of Pakistan d. Agro-forestry
e. Ecotourism f. Farm forestry
g. Shisham die back disease in Pakistan
h. Forests and climate change
g. Role of trees in reclaiming water-logged and saline soils
Business Administration (Athar Mansoor)
I. Management
a. Management Planning, Goal Setting and Decision-making
b. Strategic Management Process: strategy formulation and implementation
c. Managing Change and Innovation
II. HR Management
a. Recruitment and Selection
b. Training and Development
c. Compensation and Benefits
III. Financial Management
a. Time Value and Money
b. Cash Flow and Budgeting
c. Capital Budgeting
d. Operations and Supply Chain Management
e. Operations Management
f. Process Strategy
g. Capacity Planning
h. Supply Chain Management
i. Supply Chain Performance
j. Balancing Supply and Demand
IV. Marketing
a. Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
b. Market Segmentation
c. Branding
ECONOMICS-I (by Salman Azam Joiya)
1. Use Keynesian Cross to predict the impact of:
i. An increase in government purchases.
ii. An increase in taxes.
iii. An equal increase in government purchases and taxes.
2. Compare and contrast Monopoly and Perfect Competition on the basis of their assumptions.
3. Explain the concept of multiplier on national investment. Illustrate your answer with graph and table. Also discuss fiscal and monetary multiplier.
4. Discuss the vicious cycle of poverty with special reference to Pakistan.
5. Compare and contrast Fisher and Cambridge equations of money.
6. Explain how inflation and deflation can be controlled by the central bank.
7. Critically discuss the theory of comparative advantage.
8. Write a detailed note cardinal and ordinal approaches toward consumer behaviour.
9. Differentiate between all the accounts of national income.
10. What is public expenditure growth? What are the various causes of expenditure growth? Explain.
1. Differentiate between economic development and growth. Also discuss the traditional and modern approaches of development.
2. Economy without planning is like a ship having no destination. Discuss and also evaluate the planning experience of Pakistan.
3. Agricultural taxation is causing problems in the economy. Critically evaluate.
4. Give the causes of the problem of balance of payments and suggest measures to overcome them.
5. Agriculture development is indispensable for industrial development in Pakistan. Discuss.
6. Critically discuss the impact of green revolution on income output.
7. Differentiate between absolute and relative poverty. Explain poverty reduction strategies.
8. Discuss various monetary and fiscal measures to promote industrial sector in Pakistan.
9. Is privatisation good for a developing country? Evaluate on the basis of privatisation experience of Pakistan.
10. Define and discuss the role of trade and FDI on growth in Pakistan.
Gender Studies (by Samraiz Hafeez)
1. Discuss the role of Women Action Forum (WAF) against the oppressive policies and laws of Zia’s government regarding women.
2. Define the concept of development in your words. Explain various theories of development?
3. Why is politics important for the process of development? Also discuss the factors that hinder women’s participation in politics.
4. Discuss the importance of world conferences on the development of women in general and Pakistani women in particular.
5. Define patriarchy. How does patriarchy determine women’s status in a society?
6. What are the affects of industrialization on women’s situations? Compare the life of women in an agrarian society with that in today’s industrial society?
7. There are discrepancies in the provisions of the laws and actual practices regarding rights and responsibilities of women in Pakistan? Discuss.
8. The legal system is influenced by constitution, Shariah and customary laws. What is its impact on women’s lives in Pakistan?
9. Explain the social and economic impact of women’s education on a society or a country?
10. Is there a women’s movement in Pakistan? If there is one, what is its role regarding women’s rights?
11. Explain the difference between equity and equality? The constitution provides for equity or equality or both?
12. Explain the difference between Socialist feminism and radical feminism?
13. Describe the liberal feminist and radical feminist perspective in detail. Also highlight two major differences between them?
14. How gender is socially constructed? What are the consequences for behaving outside gender norms?
15. What is Gender theory and what are its strengths and weaknesses?
History of USA (Umair Khan)
1. Describe in detail the colonial period in the history of United States of America.
2. What were the major flaws in the Articles of Confederation (the first Constitution of the United States of America) that led to the Philadelphia Convention and the drafting of a new constitution? Discuss the salient features of the present constitution of the USA.
3. Discuss the struggle between the Federalists and anti-Federalists in America (1787-1800). What were their respective political and economic ideas?
4. How did Jeffersonian democratic thinking differ in philosophy and purpose from the Jacksonian democracy?
5. One of the bitterest fruits of westward expansion was the intensification of the slavery controversy. Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with specific incidents.
6. The New Deal was to save capitalism but ironically it was denounced by the capitalist class. Why?
7. Analyze US imperialism. Elaborate its causes and impacts.
8. What foreign policy changes are expected that the new US President, Donald Trump, might bring?
9. What role can USA play to resolve the Syrian Crisis? Analyze in detail.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Truman Doctrine
(b) US Presidential Election
(c) Progressive Movement
(d) Cuban Missile Crisis
Muslim Law (Sir Aatir Rizvi)
1. Sources (Ijtihad, Qiyas, Ijma)
2. Marriage
3. Divorce
4. Post-divorce maintenance
5. Succession
6. Rights & concept of crime
7. Islamic Banking & insurance
8. MFLO, 1961—Critical Analysis
Public Administration (Ms Iqra Riaz-Ud-Din)
1. Democracy vs. Bureaucracy
2. New Public Management
3. New Public Service
4. Scientific Management
5. Human Relations Approach
6. Leadership
7. Public Choice Theory
8. Planning in Pakistan
9. Budgeting and Financial Management in Pakistan
10. Implementation of HRM in Public Sector
11. Administrative Law in Pakistan
12. Conflict Management
13. Issues of Public Management
14. Decentralization
15. Business Re-engineering
16. Accountability and Control
17. Role of Civil Society in Good Governance
18. Public Administration and Development