Author: Dr Mujahid Kamran Pages: 316 Price: 700 PKR Publisher: Sang e Meel
Dr Mujahid Kamran is a genuine scholar who also serves as the vice chancellor of the University of the Punjab. He writes on diverse topics ranging from theoretical physics to mass media, and from politics to literature. He has written books on Physics and Politics with the equal honesty and sincerity for the nation. His book ‘Jadeed Tabiaat kay Baani’ is in fact a made-easy history of the modern physics which has been written with the intention of inculcating scientific inquisitiveness among the minds of his otherwise dogmatic minded readers.
The book ‘THE GRAND DECEPTION: corporate America and perpetual war’ is a translated version of the compilation of his columns, which were previously published with the title Pas e Parda: Aalami Syaasat kay Makhfi Haqaaeq in Urdu by Sang e Meel in 2001. The columns had been being published in daily Waqt from August to December 2007. Dr Mujahid has recently been writing for The Nation as well.
Despite the fact that Dr Mujahid loves reading and writing poetry; and experiences great affiliation with the literary great masters (to name a few George Orwell, Majeed Amjad) of both the languages; his language in the columns remain dry and descriptive. He avoids adding layers of meanings with the creative use of words. Instead, he believes in explaining the crude facts the way they are.
Since he is a professor of Physics, therefore his insight into the discipline should not be a matter of surprise. However, what pleasantly surprises us is his patriotic voice which draws our stray attention to the need of never forgetting the services of a Pakistani physicist Dr Abdus Salam; the only Nobel Laureate of Pakistan.
The Grand Deception is a well-thought-over and well-composed compilation of the articles written with a vision. Although it is a compilation of the articles which have been written on various topics, yet there is an invisible association among all; which makes the book valuable for those who aspire to know about the dynamics of Political Science, Mass Communication, International Relations; and those who aspire to serve the state after getting through the CSS and PMS exams.
The subtitle although suggests that the book discusses the perpetual war ignited by the US world over, yet, through this periscope, Dr Mujahid looks at the calamities the humanity is suffering from due to the pandemonium of a heartless monster we know as capitalism.
In a way, the writer in this book advocates the ideas of Chomsky, Gramsci, Habermas, Adorno and those who talk and act against the oppressor ruling capitalist class. He deeply analyzes the American Media which are virtually moaning in the claws of the riches.
Dr Mujahid, in light of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ideas (The Grand Chessboard, and Second Chance), warns the US to be aware of the sentiments of the world grown against the government and the establishment of the US.
Dr Mujahid, in the book in question, very profoundly discusses, rather unveils, the reality of the Pearl Harbor attack. Since he is a scientist by nature, this is why he does not produce and rely on mere sweeping statements only. He asserts his point of view with the help of references and statistical data wherever he deems inevitable.
Dr Mujahid’s Letter to the US ambassador, which is the part of the book and appears at the end as chapter 35 is a must-read piece. The way he makes his points and presents the case of a common Pakistani is commendable. If other articles are a reflection of his rational soul, this letter is a reflection of his emotional soul. We meet a sensitive, patriotic, thinking and enlightened Pakistani in here. He not only illustrates the picture of the mental torture he had to undergo, but also shows the gloomy picture of America’s future through the mirror of this letter, if at all, the US do not realize the tightening noose of the atrocities the capitalism is casting upon the American society.
The results of the recent French Elections where the Socialists have won; and the Egyptian elections where Brotherhood have won strengthen the points made in The Grand Deception, that, the masses wherever they are, are urging for an alternative system. This relevance to the ever-changing world adds value to the dynamicity-rich book.
As a matter of fact, each of the articles of the book deserves a full-blown and thorough review; for it contains substance and things to ponder over. Unfortunately, the constraints of the space over here refrain us from doing so.