Letters to the Editor (February 2017)

Letter to the editor

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A Drowsy QUEST

To impart engineering education to the students of interior Sindh, Sindh University Engineering College Jamshoro was set up in 1963. Under the Education Policy of 1972, it was planned to upgrade the college to the level of university and transfer it to Nawabshah. First-year classes were thereupon started in 1974. After a few years, an additional campus was also established in 1977.

In 1980, it was renamed as Mehran University College of Engineering and Technology (MUECT) Nawabshah. It was upgraded to the level of university as Quid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science and Technology (QUEST) in 1996. Since then, the University is playing a key role in imparting education to the students of interior Sindh on engineering and technology in nearly 15 different departments. But, during the past couple of years, situation has changed. Students of the University are tense and are concerned about the affairs of this great institution. Students have to wait for years to get their degrees from the university.

If they are not provided their degrees in time, how would they go to the job market to without degrees? Is it possible to get a professional job without presenting your degree? Yes, but these people without degrees can get such a work that cannot help them in making both ends meet.

Taking unnecessarily long time in awarding students with degrees is really an injustice to them. It is requested to the university administration to please award degrees to the students as early as possible.

Rameez Ali Mahesar (Darbello)

Parachinar Bleeds Again

Once again terrorists were successful in killing the innocent people of Parachinar, the main town of Kurram Agency. This deadly attack claimed 25 lives and injured and maimed 87. Astonishingly, it was the third tragic attack on the same vegetable market, situated on Eidgah road. Media reported that two terrorist groups, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al-Alami, have claimed the responsibility of the attack. It is perplexing to note the impunity with which they orchestrate these attacks. The government should come out of its deep slumber and do something at the earliest to protect the lives and properties of the people of FATA as they are also equal citizens of Pakistan.  I request the government to counter terrorism in FATA with strenuous efforts.

Atiq Romeo (Kech)

Transgenders’ Grievances

Amid some sort of legitimacy, the transgenders in Pakistan struggle for their realignment. Awareness about the rights of these people has totally gone into oblivion. Despite being in an Islamic society, the eunuchs consistently get marginalized, and appear to have lost their historical societal status. They often become the victim of stigma and hatred, though they were esteemed in Mughal era. They are overtly treated worse than even animals and are prone to harassment and assault.

Although the Supreme Court of Pakistan gave them constitutional, equal rights and ordered to recognize them as the third gender in order to issue them the CNICs, their grievances have not yet mitigated. They still face hardships while getting CNICs. Cards are issued only to those who live with their biological parents and provide medical documentation, and it is almost impossible for the transgenders.

They have to be given rights as laid down in our Constitution as well as in Islamic teachings.

Shireen Hashim Baloch (Karachi)

Our So-called Educational Standards

It is regrettable that over the years the standard of education in Balochistan has gone from bad to worse when compared with other provinces, especially Punjab. Why everyone in Balochistan is running after CSS or PCS exams? Why master’s and higher degrees hold no value anymore? It seems that master’s and higher degree-holders have nothing to do except the clerical jobs, if they could not get through these exams. Balochistan government needs to invest in education. However, for this, extreme seriousness is required which, unfortunately, still lacks. One can know the situation from the fact that the budget on education was 1.82 percent of GDP in 2000-2001 and it has got only a meager raise till now stands. I hope the education budget will be raised for FY 2017-18.

M. Naeem Shahwani (Quetta)

Divorce Rate in Pakistan

Marriages are known to be the most important part of our lives. This is the institution through which a man gets a partner and if they understand each other, they can bring happiness and prosperity into the lives of the both. But, unfortunately, this great system is under threat due to soaring divorce rates in Pakistan. According to a report, more than 13,299 Khula cases were filed in 2012 and the number soared to over 18,901 in 2016. This trend is alarming. Elders of the family, religious scholars and parents must pay attention to this burning issue.

Mehraj Altaf (Turbat)

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