The solution for falling hair can be a combination of medicines as prescribed by the doctor and good nutrition coupled with good grooming. Use only good quality shampoos and oil. Dry the hair after a head bath and then comb gently. Do not leave the hair unattended for long time as this may lead to the hair becoming sticky and rough leading to hair loss.
Hair, like human beings, has a life-cycle. Every hair that grows must fall out one day. New hair will grow at the same place, after some time. There is a natural balance between the rate at which hair fall and the rate at which new hair grow. Any disturbance in this balance can result in an emotionally discomforting condition of either excess fallout of hair or hairiness all over the body. Nowadays, excess loss of hair is very common. It happens for various reasons such as emotional and physical stress of city life, local scalp infection, adverse drug reaction, hormonal imbalances during teenage and pregnancy, etc.
Factors that determine hair loss
Over the past several years, dermatologists have made some interesting statistical findings that explain the pattern of hair loss. Curiously enough, the phenomenon of falling hair is related to the rate of hair growth, length of the hair, age and even the colour of hair.
It is normal to shed from 50 to 80 strands of hair a day. It is normal for each of those hairs to be replaced by the hardworking follicles. On any given day, about 90 per cent hair are in the growing stage. This period lasts for about 1000 days. 10 per cent hairs are in the resting stage which lasts for about 100 days before the follicles eventually grow out. Interestingly, the fallout occurs mostly in the morning. This fact remains unexplained.
The length of hair is an important factor in hair loss. The four-inch long hair loses on an average 87 hairs a day; the 12-inch long hair loses about 26 hairs a day; and 20-inch plus long hair loses as little as 16 hairs a day on an average. The longer the hair, the less is the hair loss.
Hair grows on an average of six inches a year, and shortfall in the normal hair growth is accompanied with a hair loss too. Apart from the day-to-day loss, we shed more than usual hair during six periods of our life; from birth to age three; at 10, at 22, around the age of 26, at 36 and around 54. This happens due to hormonal changes that occur in our bodies. The maximum hair growth on women occurs between the age of 15 to 30.
How to prevent hair fall out
Hair in normal and healthy conditions does not fall out at an alarming rate. The excess fall out occurs mostly when the hair condition is extremely dry, rough and damaged. Conditioning and nourishing of hair are the top priorities to prevent excess hair loss. Cream rinses help the dry and rough hair to regain its flexibility. Generous application of moisturizers and oil preparations replenish the moisture and oil in the dry hair. Massage is a very important element of the scalp treatment to control excess fall out of hair. It invigorates the blood circulation, giving hair an increased supply of nutrition and oxygen for healthy growth. Massage also stimulates the dormant hair follicles to grow fresh hair.
The root cause for falling hair is both hereditary and hormonal. In men, the prostate gland can trigger a loss of hair with excessive production of hormone called DHT. This hormone is a more severe version of testosterone. The excess production of this hormone results in the shrinking of hair follicles, which in turn result in falling hair.
The solution for falling hair can be a combination of medicines as prescribed by the doctor and good nutrition coupled with good grooming. Use only good quality shampoos and oil. Comb the hair gently with a good comb. Dry the hair after a head bath and then comb gently. Do not leave the hair unattended for long periods of time as this may lead to the hair becoming sticky and rough hair leading to hair loss.
Identify the factors for falling hair before looking for a solution for your falling hair. The cause varies from individual to individual. It could be any one of the below mentioned causes or a combination of factors that lead to falling hair. Stress, hormonal imbalance, ailments like Typhoid, nutritional deficiency, deficiency of Folic acid, effects of Chromotheraphy, treatment for cancer and pregnancy.
Some of the solutions for falling hair can be found at home. Use oil with extracts of Amla, or hibiscus. A combination of medicines and home remedies would be the ideal solution for falling hair. However, there is no quick fix solution to falling hair. Regular and timely care is the only lasting solution to falling hair.
Applying coconut milk all over the scalp is also another effective solution for falling hair. Using castor oil as hair oil regularly will also help in preventing hair from falling. Iodine and vitamin B1 deficiency can also be the factors that lead to falling hair. Therefore, look for solutions with a combination of home remedies and mild medications for a proper solution for your falling hair.
Falling hair if left untreated can lead to permanent baldness in men. In case of permanent hair loss, the only option available to men is to either wear a wig or go in for hair transplantation. With the advent of modern medicine, hair transplantation has been fairly successful. Therefore if you suffer from falling hair do not despair, there is a suitable remedy at hand. Go for it and regain your beauty and your confidence.