Contemporary world is fraught with perpetuated violence and killings to undermine the sustainability of mankind’s future. Complex societal conflicts need rational and flexible strategies using men of new ideas, diplomacy and peaceful means to conflict management. War is not a prelude to peacemaking. The sadistic warriors are using obsessive power to victimize the global humanity. Tim Roemer in his article “The Threats We Forget†published in Foreign Policy recently, notes that the Islamic State and Ebola are the “twin plagues†unleashed upon the world. The IS is trying to create a “house of bloodâ€; and Ebola is the modern-day African ogre, and the two are “monumental crises†that the world must face together.
While the Ebola crisis is adequately considered by the global community, IS has been mishandled by the US and its European allies. The IS did not grow out of nowhere. The US and its allies have failed to imagine the ripple effects of their own follies and continued aggressive war as well as prolonged occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. IS, Iran-backed Badr group and several other groups are all active in Iraq and Syria. So are the US and its allies launching bombing campaigns and killing thousands of innocent civilians! Several millions of Arab refugees scattered around helplessly are the direct results of this insanity.
President Obama and other Western leaders don’t touch the facts of this prevalent global madness aimed at dismantling and occupying the entire oil-producing Arab region. Tim Roemer points out:
“The world is an unpredictable place right now — and things could grow worse. The Islamic State might quickly escalate geopolitical problems in the Middle East, destabilize Jordan or Turkey, and begin a more systematic export of radicalized fighters around the world. That is why the United States needs to take immediate and bipartisan action against these threats.â€
Western Hypocrisy or Emerging “Jihadist†Challenge?
Do the Islamic societies breed jihadis or did the US-led bogus war on terrorism produce reactionary jihadists? Where do the “Jihadists†come from? Most North American and western European intelligence establishments operate “Jihadi†watch websites to alert the public consciousness of the ongoing war on terror. It’s a one-way descriptive fantasy of the Jihadi alarm bell. All of the Jihadi groups are fighting reactionary wars against American-led wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and, more broadly, across the Arab world. They owe their existence to American strategic warfare policies and practices.
To counteract the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the US State Department and CIA envisaged, created and trained Al-Qaeda. The “Jihadi†group was financed and led by the US armed forces’ personnel to fight against the former USSR-installed Afghan Communist regime. How strange the US excelsior club of “Jihadi†movement does not come to terms with the contemporary radical “Jihadist†ideology based in Iraq and Syria! All of the Jihadis were used by the Western nations in ideological conflict zones. But once they became a liability, they were abandoned and were termed terrorists. While the US is bombing the innocent civilians in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, these radical Jihadi enterprises are attracting more minds and souls in the same war theatres.
Certainly, a disconnect is prominent in what the US policy proclaims and what is being done on ground. The radicalized Jihadi groups are the means by which the US war economy and Europeans maintain their manipulation of ideas and ideals to support the continuous military interventions.
Political Deceptions and Lies of the War on Terrorism
All the monsters of history are to be found among the absolute leaders exercising absolute power in disregard of the peoples’ interests. Since the Washington-based major military-industrial war complex orchestrated the bogus War on Terrorism, American politics in one-sided endeavour to unfold unthinkable futuristic disasters. Glenn Greenwald in his article “The ‘War on Terror’ – by Design – Can Never End,†writes:
“There’s no question that this “war” will continue indefinitely. There is no question that US actions are the cause of that, the gasoline that fuels the fire. The only question — and it’s becoming less of a question for me all the time — is whether this endless war is the intended result of US actions or just an unwanted miscalculation.â€
He further states:
“Why would anyone in the US government or its owners have any interest in putting an end to this sham bonanza of power and profit called “the war on terrorâ€?â€
Arguably, conflicts generate mistrust and drain out all positive human energies and thinking for peaceful change, and transformation to sustainable future and productivity. Is it hard for Obama administration to understand this truth? To cover up their secretive and unhealthy minds, the US policymakers continue to lie and deceive the well informed global mankind.
Societies evolve and progress when they are open to rational communications and enjoin cooperation and mutual respects, not conflicts and illegal and immoral intelligence spying as stumbling blocks. “Is America at war with itself and that war is illusion,†wonders William Boardman in his article “A Country At War With An Illusion.†He writes:
“We are waging war on terrorism even as we embody terrorism. No wonder we seem sometimes to be at war with ourselves, and have been for most of the 21st century.â€
How to Decode Insanity into Rationality?
Wars are planned by insane minds and sadistic political strategists. Wars kill people, dehumanize the civic culture and destroy the human habitats and undermine the natural environment to support life. There is not a single historic reference to indicate if wars were a prelude to peacemaking. The hourly paid Western news media intellectuals propagate and misinform the masses that Islamic terrorism is threatening the Western nations and their security, values and living standards. After the 9/11, George Bush used to contend “they hate our freedom.†Outside America, no impartial observer believes that America enjoys political freedom or the capacity to make public-interest-based foreign policy. The Washington-based political lobbyists and the powerful industrial-military complex set the US foreign policy agenda and conduct the warfare.
From George W. Bush, Tony Blair (Former British PM), Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and all other conspirators and liars onward to Barack Obama, all have consumed precious time and opportunities to cause massive deaths and destruction across the globe. Most probably, they will escape moral and political accountability. Were they not responsible for the longest bogus wars against the innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq? Were they not the cruellest people to set up Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Bagram prison in Afghanistan and the Guantanamo Bay? These were not the hallmarks of human freedom, liberty, democracy and justice!
It might be hard for any morally and intellectually conscientious American policymaker to see the mirror. How dare you claim that the “Jihadists†are waging war against the Western nations and their civilizations? You are the reason for the emergence of radicalized “Jihadists†across the globe.
The IS owes its origin to the US strategy and military intervention in Iraq. American and British leaders infested Iraqi culture with coerced sectarian divides and violence. But after the facts, America and some of its European allies fear a less engaged role and cumbersome futuristic domination of the oil-rich Iraq and the neighbouring Saudi Arabia and UAE. They want to contain the IS. American and Europeans do not seem to be bothered by the bloody sectarian rampage carried out by the Badr group sponsored by Iran and fighting against the Sunnis in Iraq.
One wonders, if there is a cure to a cruel mindset?
Absolute political power cannot be justified as simple favourable perversion to torture, kill the innocent mankind and destroy the universal harmony and natural habitats on the Earth. Should all the political leaders take a space journey and view the 10,000 mile per hour orbiting planet Earth and try to understand its operational existence and governance by its Creator and the vitality of human life and habitats. Do these leaders have the capacity to learn from scientific observations? If not, how could they be leaders to lead the 21st century informed humanity?
What is the cure to raging indifferences and cruelty to the interests of the people of the United States and for that matter the whole of the mankind? Professor P.L Thomas of South Carolina’s Furman University speaks out loud and clear in “Obama’s Failed Hope and Change: Forget the Politicians. They are Irrelevant.†He writes:
“Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice! You have owners! They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.â€
If the leaders of a powerful nation like the US are not flexible and intelligent enough to realize the attributes of the 21st century effective leadership and be able to know and manage their comparative political strengths and weaknesses, how could they deal with the futuristic global challenges of security and peacemaking?