In the 21st century, “humanitarian” wars of aggression are commonplace. To safeguard the present and the future of humanity, all concerned global citizens must think of ways to avert the ultimate impending cataclysmic destruction of the mankind and the planet Earth. In all wars, mankind is the net victim of wickedness of a few warmongers. The news media plays a pivotal role in manufacturing and transforming unspoken myths into thinkable notions — particularly in situations of unusual emergencies and societal conflicts.
More Wars on Arabs – and Coming of the Third World War
The Paris attacks galvanized the curse of terrorism and the consequential death and fear of the unthinkable. Despite having advanced intelligence networks, nations fail to find workable protective measures against terrorism. Everywhere mankind is the victim of the consequences of actions of a few sadistic individuals be it Bashar al-Assad or the militants of self-styled Islamic State or even the leaders of the Western world. Russia, the United States and some European countries are bombing civilian Arabs causing massive death and destruction across the region as well as its environment. If Russia and the US refuse to agree to disagree, then the Third World War could soon become a reality; making the Arab lands the main battleground for this Armageddon. These masters of deception could bridge fake differences by destroying the Arab-Muslim world, thus facilitating greater manoeuvrability space for Israel in the Middle East.
The Arab nations have no leaders blessed with a vision for the future. West-waged wars have raked Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Yemen and Egypt. Now, Russia is conveniently collaborating in the war on terrorism by shielding the real issue – the Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorial rule and Iraqi sectarian warfare. How naïve are Arabs to feel that they are fighting sectarian conflicts? Divergent strategic interests are popping up to undermine the lifelines of the Arab peoples. Its spill-over impact is the consequential entanglement of Turkey in the ferocity of the wars. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and the whole of the Arabian Peninsula is breathing slow death injected into the Arab Middle East theatre. Since 9/11, and even long before that, extremism and terrorism were rampant in varied forms and shapes. They just generally did not impinge upon the Western political psyche and culture. Recall now the almost five-year-old ordeal of the Syrians; millions displaced as refugees, countless massacred along with destruction of numerous habitations by continuous attacks carried out by US, Russian and Western coalition. Consultative meetings and agreement between America and Russia to stop the ongoing daily bloodshed are still on. This is indeed a shame for the oil-rich and leaderless Arab states.
Do the Russian and American military engagements omen a catastrophic World War III? Truth digging will reveal that thousands of innocents are being slaughtered while world’s big powers ask for diplomacy. Both Russia and the US are advocating political settlements in Iraq and Syria while the conflict continues to displace millions besides causing irreparable losses. The perpetual insanity is widespread, and one wonders how rationality has been suppressed. UN’s diplomacy and repeated statements on the importance of its role in international peace and security are just meaningless. For too long, the French, American, British, Russian and other peoples have been complicit in a secret web of unspoken intrigues and conspiracies that dehumanize the sense of civility in many parts of North Africa and the Middle East. Critical analysis indicates that Putin has outmanoeuvred Obama and others to capitalize on the Syrian conflict and acquire a dominant political and strategic position. It is unparalleled that Western leaders would consider Russian intervention without any strategic challenge and resentment.
But, the war on terrorism, and terrorism of war, must come to an end to safeguard the larger interests of the mankind and its safety on this planet.
Terrorism of War is Eroding Human Culture, Security and Future
Iraq and Syria were the hubs of ancient cultures, civilizations and archaeological treasures. The West-orchestrated wars destroyed the cultural heritage and annihilated the archaeological sites. Islamic State and other extremist groups are doing the same. No war has ever transformed or shaped human culture into peacemaking and sustainable stability. Contemporary leaders are prisoners of their monstrous mindset to instigate deadly lies about war and peace and global political governance. A well-known journalist and American lawyer, Glen Greenwald, in his “The ‘War on Terror’ – by Design – Can Never End,” points out that the US warmongering has no end to its policy of global hegemony. He says:
“There’s no question that this ‘war’ will continue indefinitely. There is no question that US actions are the cause of that, the gasoline that fuels the fire.”
Greenwald speaks of his ultimate concerns.
Robert Fisk in “Could Saudi Arabia be Next? Bad News For Palestine in 2013,” published in The Independent, points out that over the decades America has earned the distinction of being a leader in intrinsic and endless corrupt wars; dismantling, humiliating, killing and destroying the Arab people.
Greenwald attempts to synthesize the end game in the following words:
“Why would anyone in the US government or its owners have any interest in putting an end to this sham bonanza of power and profit called “the war on terror”? … there must be an end to this war imminently, and … the failure to do so will render all the due-process-free and lawless killing and imprisoning and invading and bombing morally indefensible and historically unforgivable.
But the notion that the US government is even entertaining putting an end to any of this is a pipe dream, and the belief that they even want to is fantasy. They’re preparing for more endless war; their actions are fuelling that war; and they continue to reap untold benefits from its continuation.”
Across western Europe, and more so, after the recent attacks and killing of the innocent civilians in Paris, a surge has been witnessed in the culture of fear and warmongering against the Arabs and Muslims. The scenario of a Third World War could pop up even accidentally as the history of the previous World Wars reveals. Both France and Germany are increasing their military presence in the Arab world. In concert with Russia and America, they plan to bomb and destroy civilian populations in Syria and Iraq; their war on the so-called “Islamic State” is getting out of proportion and reason. Both Syria and Iraq, and the rest of the oil-producing Arab world, is under the shadow of Western madness and hostilities. Is there a secretive alignment of solidarity among the Russian, American and other Europeans to impose a war on the Arab people to undermine their future survival as human beings and as a civilization?
During the US-British occupation of the region, thousands of cultural artefacts disappeared. These objects included no less that 15,000 invaluable Mesopotamian artefacts from the National Museum in Baghdad. Strangely enough, some of the leading Western journalists, academics and political figures refuse to recognize the loss of history on such a massive scale and its accompanied cultural destruction as the fully predictable consequences of the occupation policy. “The very idea is considered unthinkable, despite the openness with which this objective was pursued,” explains Dirk Adriaensens. He says, “It is time to think of the unthinkable. How should an informed global humanity view the sadistic wars except they preclude any attempt at peacemaking and normalization of human relations?”
Peacemaking is the Logical Solution, Not the Terrorism of Wars
At a critical juncture of time and opportunity in global affairs, it is rational to think objectively about what mankind needs most — peace, or at least co-existence, not more cruel wars. Professor Michel Chossudovsky sums up how the US and NATO are threatening humanity, its security and a sustainable future:
“The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously. Militarization at global level in instrumented through the US military’s Unified Command structure; the entire planet is divided into geographic combatant commands under the control of the Pentagon. The perpetrators of wars are presented as the victims. Public opinion is misled. We must fight against evil in all its forms as a means to preserving the Western way of life. Breaking the “big lie” which upholds war as a humanitarian undertaking, means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force. This profit-driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies.”
There are no concerted efforts to plan for peace and normalization in Syria and Iraq. Global leaders are pretending to be talking about a political solution — holding elections in Syria and keeping al-Assad in power while killing the civilians and bombing cities and towns. Every beginning has its end. Iraq and Syria are destroyed and soon the whole Arab world could be a charred artefact. Russian and American leadership appear to be led by the wrong people, who are both thinking and doing the wrong things. So were many historic monsters that threatened the survival of mankind only to vanish without a trace. In their given span of life and time, they were smart and tactful (to use clichés). They were “civilized,” and they challenged and subdued anyone who dared to reason through the unreasonable within their monstrous acts of deception and war plans. They were destined to meet the same end which they never imagined, and often mocked that it could not happen to them in their life time. Have human beings not observed how the planet Earth exists on its own and provides sustenance to all living creatures? From earth to heavens, all things exist and operate according to the command of Allah and obey His pre-destined course of action. Those who challenge the order of the Nature of Things became dust and artefacts in world museums. Many challenging the Laws of God ended up in bringing His wrath by violating the limits and got destroyed by natural causes such as earthquakes, flooding, storms, sound blasts and other acts of nature befitting to their wickedness and drudgery against the mankind. What happened to the kingdom of Pharaoh? What fate did Hitler encounter after he claimed be waging a war of 1000 years? Where did the Roman Empire end up? How did the British and Spanish Empires become lost without a trace? What about the most recent USSR dismemberment? What is next for still in their infancy—the US and Russian Empires?
Learning from experience and changing one’s perceptions, policies and strategic direction is a rational aspect of intelligent leadership. We do need men with new ideas and creative strategies to safeguard the future of humanity.