Preparing for the CSS Right Thing Right Time

In this article, I would focus on the issues of the candidates which result in failure of many of the candidates.

As the time of the exams (CSS Exam scheduled to be held in the last week of February) is approaching, the candidates are preparing for their best to compete with hundreds and thousands of the candidates. I usually saw the trend that the candidates focus on their optional and compulsory subjects completely ignoring English subject. I would advise those candidates that more than 70 to 80% students fail in English essay and comprehension and the rest due to subject selection issue. It is high time they needed to set their direction in the right way.

They need to write daily more and more in order to improve their expression. If one improves his/her expression it will help not only in English paper but also in all compulsory and optional papers. So write a short essay now a days and in the start of December begin writing long essays. The topics of these essays have been taken in my previous issues. So one prepares 10 to 15 long essays and after that he/she is in the position to write any essay because the matter is similar and it depends on the candidate that how he utilises his time and material best during the 3 hours of the exams time. One should recall all the material and things he has prepared and grasped all important points in the rough outline then one should write an essay.

Besides this activity, it is the need of the hour to focus on expansion of the ideas. These ideas should be read from different sources like books and one must read nearly 200 to 300 expansion of the ideas. When it is asked in the paper then one should need to develop his own points rather than writing those things which one has memorised without logic. Furthermore, candidate must solve a precis in a week and when it is the month of December and January then one must solve the CSS precis of the last 20 years daily assuming himself sitting in the exams. These essays, expansion of the ideas and precis must be checked by an English teacher. Having confidence that I am able to write perfect essays and precis result in utter failure and playing with one’s future. So going to an English teacher is better and chance availing option.

For pair of words, memorise a list from different sources and then the last five years and the sentence of these pairs must get checked from English teacher as we usually do not know how to write a sentence. Besides this, practise Active and Passive & Direct and Indirect by revisin the rules and solving the CSS papers of the last 10 years by the end of December and the start of January. For correction, revise the rules and solve the correction of the last 20 years of the CSS papers.

For Vocabulary, take half an hour by revising and memorizing from GRE test. Some students complained me it is difficult to memorise. I advised them just to go through these words as these words are helpful in understanding precis, comprehension, pair of words, topic of the long essay etc.

By: Zahid Ashraf

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