By: Rokhana Riaz
Design Your Life
Design your own life like you want it. Now if you can take on some responsibilities, you’ve got to consider those. Yes, you can ignore your responsibilities, but you won’t feel good about that. Here’s what the old prophet said: “Some things that taste good now in the mouth turn bitter later in the belly.” So you don’t want to sacrifice.
We all must suffer one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. What we suggest to everybody is to consider the disciplines because disciplines weigh ounces; regrets weigh tons. You don’t want to substitute a discipline for a regret. In our opinion that would be a poor choice. Now you can do it, but some things are poor tradeoffs. The old prophet said, “What if you gain the whole world but it costs you your soul?” Would that be worth it? With a bit of intelligence, we say no, that doesn’t seem worth it even if you’ve got the whole world if you traded your soul. That experience would be so bitter and awful and so devastating, it wouldn’t be worth it.
What if you got some gain by greed instead of legitimate ambition? I’m telling you, it might taste good up front, but it’s going to turn bitter in the belly. And a bit of that advice saves some people from devastation. Say, “Well you’re right. I’d better think twice about that.” So we must confront all laws. Spiritual laws, agricultural laws, basic laws, fundamental laws. We must confront all of those. But you still now can design your own life. A little or a lot. Go east, north, south.
Redefining the Misunderstood Concept
If you want to succeed in life, you have to excel and be the best in whatever you start. Being average is what most people do not want but they still fall in this category. Success comes to you when you get out of this mould of just being average and practice a different strategy which takes you to the next level and ultimately on the top and the zenith of success.
1. Do self-reflection daily to analyze what makes you do well, or badly: The first rule of being successful in life is to start from your inner being. It is vital for growth and success that you stay connected with yourself. One should know who one is and what one wants, and track one’s record. Reserve at least half an hour a day for yourself as it would clear your mind. Make a to-do list every morning and check it at night to see how many activities you have actually achieved. This will not let you go astray of your main purpose. Think about the stuff you could have done better and things that you have done well. It will encourage you and will keep you determined in accomplishing your goals.
2. Read minimum of one chapter of a book: It is known through the history that great leaders of all time used to read a lot of books. Knowledge is power and one can have that power by reading quality books. Reading plays a crucial role in developing your personality and providing you with necessary information for the goal that you want to achieve.
3. Challenge yourself to learn something new: People who are the best tend to invest in themselves. They are in a continuous process of learning. Doing the same things every day brings stagnancy in life. It stops you from growing and being the best. Learn something every day; a word, a language or anything that expands your knowledge and hones your skills.
4. Set a goal for yourself every day and do really achieve it: Accomplishing your goal needs proper planning and determination. Set realistic goals even it is a simple thing like going to bed before 11 pm. Go step by step; one can’t be a whole new person in just one day. For instance, to sleep before 11 pm, you have to have dinner at 7 pm. Do all the important things that need to be done before sleeping, set all the electronic stuff aside so that it does not disturb you, and then go to sleep at 11 pm. But being able to do all these things is not possible only in one day. Trying every night and doing little improvements will ensure that you achieve it in a week. It is very important to do little things each day to triumph in your ultimate goal.
5. Surround yourself with people who share similar goals: Someone said very well: “You are the company you keep”. People have always immense impact on each other. Usually the decision we take, the path we choose, the goals we set for our life and the vibes we portray are influenced by the people we love and live with. Therefore, it is significant to be surrounded by people who are achievers, people who have similar ambitions in life. It will motivate you. When you lose energy or go astray of actual path, looking towards them will get you back on track.
6. Reward yourself for every tiny achievement you made every day: It is in human nature that everyone is hungry for appreciation. When our hard work is paid through appreciation and we get that feeling of accomplishment, we aspire to do more. Thus, getting rewarded for even the tiny achievements keep us moving. These little things do make a huge difference in life.