Is colonial legacy impeding Pakistan’s progress? (CSS-2017)
1. Introduction
2. What is colonial legacy?
3. Different manifestations of colonial legacy
(a) Colonial legacy in Political Sector
(b) Colonial legacy in Economic Sector
(c) Colonial legacy in Religious Sector
(d) Colonial legacy in Administrative Sector
(e) Colonial legacy in Social Sector
4. Colonial legacy: the biggest impediment to Pakistan’s progress
(a) Logical Proofs
(b) Factual Proofs
(i) Proofs from Economic Sector
(ii) Proofs from Political Sector
(iii) Proofs from Administrative Sector
(iv) Proofs from Social Sector
(v) Proofs from Religious Sector
5. Causes of persistent prevalence of colonial legacy
(a) Direct causes
(b) Indirect causes
6. How to get rid of colonial legacy and move forward
7. Conclusion
More and More Military Engagement by the United Nations, is the world moving towards peace? (CSS-2017)
1. Introduction
2. An overview of United Nations and its major objectives
3. Mechanism and grounds for military engagement of the UN
4. Different forms of military engagements of the UN
(a) Peacekeeping missions
(b) Military observer groups
(c) Supervision of combats through peace representatives
5. Failure of UN military engagements to bring peace
(a) Proofs from Africa
(i) Unsettled crisis in Sudan
(ii) Unsettled crisis in Somalia
(iii) Situation in Congo
(iv) Situation in Chad and Libya
(b) Proofs from Asia
(i) UNMOG and Kashmir crisis
(ii) UNMOG and Pakistan – Afghanistan boundary issue
(c) Proofs from the Middle East
(i) Palestine-Israel conflict
(ii) Syrian crisis
6. Factors responsible for UN’s failure to achieve peace through military engagements
7. Impacts of UN’s failure in military engagements
(a) Political Impacts
(b) Economic Impacts
(c) Social Impacts
8. Recommendations for the amelioration of the situation
9. Conclusion
Are Modern wars not holy wars? (CSS-2017)
1. Introduction
2. What are holy wars?
3. Some examples of holy wars from history
4. Areas under war at present
(a) In Asia
(b) In Africa
(c) In the Middle East
5. Facts which prove that modern wars are not holy wars
(a) Political Facts
(b) Economic Facts
(c) Social Facts
6. An overview of ghastly impacts of modern war
7. Recommendations for getting rid of the wars and their bloody impacts
8. Conclusion
Changing Priorities of USA in Afghanistan and Expected Outcomes (Expected for CSS-2018)
1. Introduction
2. An overview of Afghan issue
(a) Russian invasion and US support for “Mujahideen”
(b) Russian exit and the situation afterwards
(c) Establishment of Taliban government
(d) The incident of 9/11 and response of Afghan government
(e) Re-emergence of Taliban
(f) Emergence of ISIS
3. US approach towards Afghanistan issue
(a) Approach of Bush Administration
(b) Strategies of Obama Administration
(c) Priorities of Trump Administration
4. Comparison of Trump’s policies with those of his predecessor
5. Analysis of Trump’s policy towards Afghanistan
(a) Positive Indicators
(b) Negative Indicators
6. Expected outcomes of Trump’s policies
(a) Expected outcomes with reference to political stability of Afghanistan
(b) Expected outcomes with reference to permanent end of war
(c) Expected outcomes with reference to curbing of ISIS
(d) Expected outcomes with reference to economic and social stability of Afghanistan
(e) Expected outcomes with reference to Afghanistan – Pakistan relations
7. Challenges to the resolution of Afghan issue
(a) Geographical Challenges
(b) Internal Challenges
(c) External or International Challenges
8. Cause of shift in US Policy
(a) Political Causes
(b) Economic Causes
(c) Administrative Causes
(d) Social Causes
9. Ideal US policy for Afghanistan issue
10. Other recommendations for the settlement of the issue
11. Conclusion
Accountability is essential to the development of Pakistan (Expected for CSS-2018)
1. Introduction
2. Understanding the term accountability
3. Different aspects of accountability
(a) Political Accountability
(b) Economic Accountability
(c) Administrative Accountability
(d) Social Accountability
(e) Religious Accountability
4. An overview of accountability situation in Pakistan
(a) Situation in the past
(b) Present situation
5. Role of accountability as an essential ingredient of the development of Pakistan
(a) Accountability and Political Development of Pakistan
(b) Accountability and Economic Development of Pakistan
(c) Accountability and Administrative Development of Pakistan
(d) Accountability and Social Development of Pakistan
6. Hurdles in the way of accountability
(a) Legislative Hurdles
(b) Administrative Hurdles
(c) Financial Hurdles
(d) Social Hurdles
7. Recommendations for the improvement of accountability situation in Pakistan
8. Conclusion