A model Paper for Every Day Science

First attempt part- l which is compulsory.

Part – l

Q. No.1. Select the best option/answer
1. ‘isn’t a worm at all – it’s the name for a type of fungal skin infection.
a. Roundworm    b. Ringworm

c. Tapeworm     d. Flatworm

2.    ________ is a disease that results in dramatic mortality worldwide
a. Epidemic    b. Endemic
c. Pandemic    d. Globedemic

3. Ammeter is used to measure electric current through the circuit and is always connected in ______ to a circuit.
a. Series    b. Parallel
c. Perpendicular    d. Adjacent

4. An _____ is a device for measuring wind speed
a. Wind Vane    b. Anemometer
c. Speedometer    d. Tachometer

5. Focal length of Human eye is_____.
a. 17mm    b. 30mm
c. 45mm    d. 73mm

6. Human eye has ________.
a. Convex Lens
b. Concave Lens
c. Plano Convex Lens
d. Plano Concave Lens

7. Which of the following is not an inorganic compound?
a. Ammonia
b. Calcium Carbonate
c. Plastic
d. Ceramic

8. Which of the following is not an alkali
a. CH3COOH    b. NaOH
c. CaCO3     d. KOH

9. Which of the following has highest electrical conductivity?
a. Aluminum    b. Copper
c. Gold    d. Silver

10.    Which of the following has shortest wavelength
a. Gamma Rays    b. X Rays
c. Microwaves    d. Radio Waves

11.   _______Is the branch of science concerned with formation of annual rings?
a. Dendrochronology    b. Palecology
c. Dendrology    d. Taxonomy

12. Mitral valve is present between________.
a. Left & Right Atrium
b. Left & Right Ventricle
c. Right Atrioventricle
d. Left Atrioventricle

13. Banaspati ghee is formed by the addition of_______in oil
a. Hydrogen    b. Fats
c. Potatoes    d. Nickel

14.    Bluetooth uses________For communication.
a. IR Rays
b. Radio Waves
c. Ultrasonic waves
d. Infrasonic waves

15.    An element is determined by the number of:
a. Electron    b. Protons
c. Neutron
d. Proton & Neutrons

16.    Which of the following is a social insect?
a. Cockroach    b. Fly
c. Spider    d. Honey Bee

17.    Milk is white due to the presence of protein______.
a. Casein    b. Whey
c. Keratin    d. Lactose

18.    Why do fish dies out of water?
a. Overdose Of Oxygen
b. Overdose Of CO2
c. Change In Temperature
d. Low Moisture

19.    Bacteria belong to kingdom_______.
a. Monera    b. Protista
c. Animalia    d. Plantae

20.    Which of the following planet has no moon?
a. Neptune    b. Venus
c. Mars    d. Uranus

21.    Which of the planet has lowest density?
a. Mercury    b. Venus
c. Saturn    d. Mars

22.Age of this universe is… Years
a. 4.5 bn    b. 5.5bn
c. 10.5bn    d. 13.5bn

23.    Clouds are present in________ atmospheric layer
a. Troposphere    b. Mesosphere
c. Stratosphere    d. Thermosphere

24.    Man belongs to order _______.
a. Chordate    b. Primate
c. Homonidae    d. Homo

25.    Which of the following is not a plant but have eukaryotic body and is heterotrophic?
a. Bacteria    b. Algae
c. Bryophytes    d. Fungi

26.   _______ turns litmus paper red
a. Alkali    b. Salts
c. Buffers    d. Acids

27. A membranous layer outside the lungs is called
a. Pericardium    b. Pleurae
c. Menings    d. Diaphragm

28.    _______ is the largest body organ
a. Femur    b. Stomach
c. Liver    d. Skin

29.    Earth is_______ largest planet in solar system.
a. 4th     b. 5th     c. 6th     d. 7th

30.    Nearest star to our sun is________.
a. Andromeda
b. Pistol Star
c. Proxima Centauri
d. Hydra

31.    Magnesium is an important constituent of _________.
a. Haemoglobin    b. Neuron
c. Chlorophyll    d. Bones

32.    DNA produces a molecule like itself through______.
a. Translation    b. Transcription
c. Replication    d. Transformation

33. In DNA, adenine will always pair with
a. Guanine    b. Cytosine
c. Thiamine    d. Uracil

34.    Human body contains______ bones
a. 206    b. 216    c. 226    d. 266

35.    Anthrax is a ______ disease.
a. Viral    b. Fungal
c. Bacterial    d. Deficiency

36.    Chitin is a ________ Found in cell wall of fungi
a. Lipid    b. Protein
c. Carbohydrate
d. Inorganic Compound

37.    Plants convert light energy into________.
a. Mechanical    b. Potential
c. Chemical    d. Nuclear

38.    1 metric ton is equal to________.
a. 100kg    b. 1000kg
c. 10,000kg    d. 1,000,000kg

39.    Calorie is the unit of ________.
a. Work    b. Mass
c. Power    d. Energy

40.First man to travel in space was______.
a. Neil Armstrong
b. Yuri Gagarin
c. Edwin Aldrin
d. Valencia Tereshkova

41.    ______ Was the inventor of steam engine
a. Einstien    b. Thomas Edison
c. Michael Faraday
d. James Watt

42.    _______discovered blood circulation
a. Leeuwenhoek    b. Edward Jenner
c. William Harvey    d. Gregor Mendel

43.    Meteorology is the study of______.
a. Weather    b. Measurement
c. Meteors    d. Asteroids

44.    An object moving in a circle is moving with…
a. Uniform Velocity
b. Uniform Speed
c. Variable Velocity
d. Variable Speed

45.    A transformer is used to_____.
a. Increase AC Voltage
b. Increase DC Voltage
c. Increase Or Decrease AC Voltage    d. Increase Or Decrease DC Voltage

46.Escape velocity of the Earth is ________.
a. 9.2km/s    b. 10.2km/s
c. 11.2km/s    d. 12.2km/s

47.    Tibia is the bone found in_____.
a. Skull    b. Arm    c. Face    d. Leg

48.    Anthropogenic emissions are caused by
a. People    b. Animals
c. Climate    d. Volcanoes

49.    Which natural material seems to be first used by hominines to make tools

a. Stones    b. Wood
c. Feather    d. Hair

50.    A narrow strip of land connecting tow large land areas and separating two water bodies is called
a. Isthmus    b. Strait
c. Atoll    d. Archipelago

1. B    2. C    3. A    4. B    5. A
6. A    7. C    8. A    9. D    10. A
11. A    12. D    13. A    14. B    15. B
16. D    17. A    18. A    19. A    20. B
21. C    22. D    23. A    24. B    25. D
26. D    27. B    28. D    29. A    30. C
31. C    32. C    33. C    34. A    35. C
36. C    37. C    38. B    39. D    40. B
41. D    42. C    43. A    44. C    45. C
46. C    47. D    48. A    49. D    50. A

Part – ll
Note : Attempt Only Five Questions From Part ‘ll. All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Q. No. 2 Write a short on the following giving their exact life span and contributions to the field of science. (5×2)
(a) samar Mubarak mand
(b) ibn ‘ Haitham

Q. No. 3 Write briefly about Any Five the following. (Answer in three or four sentences)
1. Fiber Optics    2. Solstice
3. Quasar    4. Quarks
5. Gravity    6. Density
7. Genes

Q. No. 4 (a) What is the name of moon of earth? Write down its features. (5)
(b) What do you know about solar and lunar eclipse? (5)

Q. No. 5 Differentiate Any Five Of The Following Pairs.
1. Acids and bases
2. Mass and weight
3. Xylem and phloem
4. Mixture and compound
5. Convex lens and concave lens
6. Blood and lymph
7. Hormone and enzyme

Q. No. 6 (a) what is the function of the following in the human body (Answer in one sentence) (1 x 5)
1. Nephron    2. Neuron
3. Skin        4. Alveoli

5. Ribs(b) Write a brief note how Human Heart works (5)

Q. No. 7 (a) what are ceramics? What are its applications in everyday life? (2 + 4)
(B) What do the following scientific abbreviations stand for? (1/2 each)
I. RMS        II. GLC
III. HPLC        IV. EMG
V. POL        VI. NASA
VII. MAF        VIII. AMUQ. No. 8 writes a short note on the following (5 x 2)

1. Antibiotic    2. Vaccine
3. Microscope    4. Laser
5. Cell phoneQ. No. 9 (a) what are p type and n type semiconductors. Clearly explain them. (5)
(B) What is work power and energy clearly differentiate among these. (5)

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