Plastic Pollution A Chaotic Scenario! Zohaib Ahmed Invention of plastic was a smart move but no one knew that it will be turned into a nightmare. Plastic consists of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds. It was used as a replacement of ivory or tortoise shell in the 1800s. It is made by hydrocarbons: gas, oil and coal. It has been …
Read More »Nature vs Nurture
Nature vs Nurture Need for a new social contract Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq The cruising altitude of the latest Covid-19 fear has induced gut-wrenching horror. It has inevitably, yet conveniently, stirred a whirlwind of emotions in us all. While we all await our mysterious destiny trying to stay positive as we work from home or make arrangements otherwise to remain productive …
Islamic Teachings about Disasters and Coronavirus Attaurrehman Khilji ‘Disaster’ is defined as a sudden and great misfortune or calamity whereas an event or occurrence that provokes or triggers disaster is called ‘hazard’. It is a natural or manmade phenomenon that may cause physical damage and loss of lives, as well as economic loss or threaten human life and wellbeing if …
Read More »EU-Turkey Relations and a new refugee deal
EU-Turkey Relations and a new refugee deal It must first be noted that Turkey, Greece, and the EU have failed on humanitarian grounds with the way they’ve approached the problem over the last few months. Turkey tried to funnel migrants from different countries to Greece in order extract concessions from the EU. Greece pushed back the migrants using methods that …
Read More »Covid-19
Covid-19 A blessing in disguise AROOSA AROOJ Today, the world is standing on the verge of an absolute rupture due to highly-traumatic pandemic called Covid-19 that has been triggered by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Meanwhile, a hyperopic view of current scenario leads us towards an undeniable fact that this pandemic is ‘a blessing in disguise’. In the …
Read More »Trade wars are huge threats to food security
Trade wars are huge threats to food security international trade has provided consumers with access to a more diversified and nutritious food basket. However, for trade to improve food security to the greatest number of people across the globe, greater international cooperation is necessary. More than 820 million people— equivalent to more than 10.0 percent of the world’s population—were hungry …
Read More »Climate Anxiety
Climate Anxiety Our climate is changing at an accelerated rate and continues to have profound impacts on human health. This change jeopardizes not only physical health but also mental health. Climate change harms mental wellbeing in a number of ways. From trauma and stress following disasters, to relationship damage caused by separation and displacement, the psychological effects of climate change …
Read More »Not a decade to spare for climate action
Not a decade to spare for climate action Scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades that climate change is real and getting worse. As the adverse effects of unabated emissions keep mounting, the alarm is becoming deafening. But, at the same time, other current realities cannot be ignored. The imminent threat posed by climate change is coinciding with shifts …
Read More »Water, Nature and Climate Change
water, nature and climate change Water can be part of climate change and nature conservation: better water management in agriculture, which accounts for about 70 percent of all water use, is a key component of effective climate change reduction and adaptation strategies to achieve local and global environmental security, especially in regions where water scarcity and climatic changes are severe. …
THE POWER OF WORDS Words, either written or spoken, carry powerful energy in them which affects speaker/writer and listener/reader in the same way. Spoken words have sounds which have vibration. Likewise, written words are related to mind and thoughts. For this reason, there is always an immense effect of words when they are spoken or written. When a person speaks …
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