Islam is a perfect and comprehensive code of life. Islam is a perfect and compre-hensive code of life which covers all the aspects of human life emphasising equally on beliefs and practical deeds. According to Islam, good deeds are futile without correct and right beliefs. The first major and fundamental belief of Islam is that of tawhid/ monotheism or unity …
Read More »French Revolution
When the price of bread and gas is beyond your reach then you will know how angry the French peasantry felt at the time of the revolution.” Between 1789 and 1802 France was wracked by a revolution which radically changed the government, administration, military and culture of the nation as well as plunging Europe into a series of wars. France …
Read More »United States Interests in Gwadar Port
Termination of the Cold War ended a pretext of heavy US naval presence in the Indian Ocean. China is helping Pakistan in building this port as well as a host of associated projects such as railroad links, industrial complexes, etc. India and Iran are raising eyebrows over the increased Chinese presence, which is also attracting the attention of the US. …
Read More »Unpacking the HEC debate
An amended, rationalised HEC Needs to stay in place The 18th Amendment appr-oved by the Parliament in 2010 signified a new era in Pakistan’s troubled federalism. Given our turbulent constitutional history, the new governance arrangements approved by all parties and federating units settled for a leaner centre and addressed long-standing demands of provincial autonomy. But the implementation of this amendment …
Read More »Mother’s Love and Mother’s Day
Why do mother love her child, and why no one else can love like her? A mother is bound to love her child; and that love begins to develop even before the birth of a child. Current literature is flooded with examples of mother’s love, her sacrifice and her importance. But this article also includes as why does she love …
Read More »Energy Crisis: Causes and Solutions
The construction of new water storages on the Indus River is uncertain, because it involves the complex social, environmental, political and other issues. Akhori Dam Construction of Bhasha Dam, if built, will take a decade or more which will only replace the dwindling capacity of Tarbela and Mangla Dams and not add to the capacity; a fallacy being projected. One …
Read More »Muslims A Case of Diminishing Faith and Mutual Rivalries
The Muslims are in the claws of western powers not because the West is more powerful and we have less energy but because we lack unity and the guts to say no to power and wealth. Talking about Muslim Ummah is like walking through a path of risky ventures and unparalleled achievements. Like any civilisation, it had its falls and …
Read More »Role Of Media in National Development Through the 21st Century
The importance of media as institutional pillars of society and State is unmatched by any other pillar. Consequently, the independence of media needs to be made so secure and authentic that independent media became as sustainable as an independent judiciary. The factors that will impact upon national development through the 21st century include geo-political, economic, technological, social and cultural conditions …
Read More »Marriage, an adventure like going on war
Let’s talk about the problems this happy go lucky relationship is facing in the era of mainstream, enlightenment, globalisation, cross border social inter-actions. So gone are the days when it was believed that ‘A single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife’. But the lush blush and curvy eyes of opposite gender, provided …
Read More »Pak-China relations are deep-rooted
A year-long celebration of Pak-China’s 60 years of relations would bring even closer the two peoples Ms. Wang Qianting, Bureau Chief for Pakistan of China Radio International (CRI), has said that Pakistan-China friendship was deeper than ocean and higher than mountains. She was addressing as guest of honour at a special function jointly organised by Radio China Listeners Club (RCLC), …
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