Teleschooling in Pakistan Will it yield significant the desired results? Dawood Abbas Khan The Government of Pakistan has shown gumption by launching the Teleschool project in collaboration with Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV). There are two cardinal reasons behind this initiative: First, continue educational activities in the country at a time when all educational institutions are closed due to thwart the …
Read More »Plastic Pollution A Chaotic Scenario!
Plastic Pollution A Chaotic Scenario! Zohaib Ahmed Invention of plastic was a smart move but no one knew that it will be turned into a nightmare. Plastic consists of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds. It was used as a replacement of ivory or tortoise shell in the 1800s. It is made by hydrocarbons: gas, oil and coal. It has been …
Read More »Physical Geography Study of the Earth’s Features
Physical Geography Study of the Earth’s Features Ghufran Wakeel The discipline of geography has a history that stretches over many centuries. Over this time period, the study of geography has evolved and developed into an important form of human scholarship. Examining the historical evolution of geography as a discipline provides some important insights concerning its character and methodology. These insights …
Read More »In Conversation With Waseem Elahi Laghari 108th in Sindh, PCS 2018-19
In Conversation With Waseem Elahi Laghari 108th in Sindh, PCS 2018-19 Catchline: I used to cut the pieces of advice from JWT and paste them on my books and notes so as to remember what to do and how to do. Jahangir’s World Times (JWT): First of all, please tell us about your educational background? Waseem Elahi Laghari (WEL): …
Read More »Nature vs Nurture
Nature vs Nurture Need for a new social contract Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq The cruising altitude of the latest Covid-19 fear has induced gut-wrenching horror. It has inevitably, yet conveniently, stirred a whirlwind of emotions in us all. While we all await our mysterious destiny trying to stay positive as we work from home or make arrangements otherwise to remain productive …
Islamic Teachings about Disasters and Coronavirus Attaurrehman Khilji ‘Disaster’ is defined as a sudden and great misfortune or calamity whereas an event or occurrence that provokes or triggers disaster is called ‘hazard’. It is a natural or manmade phenomenon that may cause physical damage and loss of lives, as well as economic loss or threaten human life and wellbeing if …
Read More »Intra Afghan Dialogue POST DEAL SCENARIO
Intra-Afghan Dialogue The post-deal scenario Mairaj ul Hamid Nasri Afghan riddle is not going to be solved as easily as thought by the American strategists and their advisors. Afghans seem cussed for not uniting at any cost. Each and every ethnicity has managed to weigh their say at every platform and they are not in a mood to accommodate each …
Read More »How Coronavirus is Remaking Democratic Politics.
How Coronavirus is Remaking Democratic Politics Philip Stephens The state is back. Long live globalisation. Coronavirus is remaking democratic politics. The paths out of the crisis will present liberal democracies with a choice between authoritarian nationalism and an open global order founded on co-operation between states.
Read More »Has the world failed in prioritizing
Has the world failed in prioritizing health? M.H. Rehman Covid-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus, has become as universal as something can ever be. It currently affects almost every single country as well as numerous ships and vessels in open seas. Not only has the virus reached every part of the world, it has played havoc with …
Read More »Foundations of Pakistan
Foundations of Pakistan’s Nuclear Program A look at why and how Pakistan went nuclear Engr. Sarfraz Nawaz When mountains moved and turned pale with the intensity of the shake, Pakistan crossed the nuclear threshold to become a declared nuclear weapons state on May 28, 1998 by detonating five nuclear devices in the Ras Koh Hills in Chagai area of Balochistan …
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