Judicial Activism in Pakistan; Justifications and Implications At present, this is judicial activism that is the talk of the town in Pakistan and even a man in the street is ever ready to deliver a speech on the issue using the knowledge acquired through different sources; none of which is generally reliable, though. Invalidating legislative processes, intervening in administration of …
Read More »Success in CSS Made Easy
Like previous years, 5this year, too, World Times Institute conducted Mock Exams, for CSS 2019 aspirants. During this exercise, we received 7000 + papers to assess. One thing that I and my team noted vividly was that most aspirants could not manage time properly, ergo failed to solve the required number of questions. They did not cite references, didn’t prove …
Global growth for 2018–19 is projected to remain steady at its 2017 level, but its pace is less vigorous than projected in April and it has become less balanced. Downside risks to global growth have risen in the past six months and the potential for upside surprises has receded. Global growth is projected at 3.7 percent for 2018–19 – 0.2 …
Read More »In Conversation with Adil Umar, 9th in Punjab, PMS 2017-18
“JWT was helpful during my interview preparations as I read interview experiences of successful candidates the mag regularly publishes.” Jahangir’s World Times (JWT): First of all, please tell us about your educational background? Adil Umar (AU): After completing matriculation and FSc (Premedical) from my hometown, Qila Didar Singh, I earned BSc (Hons.) in Agriculture Sciences and MSc (Hons.)/MPhil in Agronomy …
Read More »All you need to know about Indian Ocean
“Whoever controls the Indian Ocean will dominate Asia, the destiny of the world will be decided on its waters.” — Alfred Mahan Noted US naval officer and historian Location: The Indian Ocean is bordered by Asia to the north, Antarctica to the south, Australia to the east and Africa to the west. Countries: The Indian Ocean is bounded by Iran, …
Read More »In Conversation with Bakhtiar Ismail (PAS), 1st in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18
JWT is one of the best magazines for CSS aspirants. It helped me a lot during my preparation for CSS written exam as well as for interview. Jahangir’s World Times (JWT): First of all, please tell us about your educational background? Bakhtiar Ismail (BI): I received my early education from my hometown, Turbat, and Bachelor’s from the University of Balochistan. …
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