The Art of Thinking
The Art of Thinking Thinking is the basis of all our: §   Knowledge §   Ideas §   Exposure §   Learning §   …
JWT English Sep 2022
The Art of Thinking Thinking is the basis of all our: §   Knowledge §   Ideas §   Exposure §   Learning §   …
Islamic Law of Inheritance Inheritance is an important branch of family laws of Islam. The death of a person results in transferring of his rights and obligations to persons who…
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Leader of Nation and the Founder of State Larger than his life, a shrewd politician, a constitutionalist, a true leader of the Muslims of India, the…
JEAN-PAUL SARTRE To be is to be To his credit, Sartre systematized the philosophy of Existentialism in a real sense. Objectification and the other According to Sartre, our consciousness is…
How to Stop Being Average If you want to succeed, you have to excel in whatever you start in life and be the best. Being average is not what most…
THE PIVOT OF GEOECONOMICS A Paradigm Shift in Pakistan's Policy In March last year, Pakistan announced a huge foreign policy shift from geopolitics to geoeconomics. It is huge because Pakistan's…
Pakistan Penal Code on False Promise of Marriage The Pakistan Penal Code, 1860, describes rape as a cognizable offence with death or imprisonment up to twenty-five years as penalty. In…
Digital Disorder and Future of Democracy Particularized trust constitutes small alliances within a small subset of society, e.g. alliance of China and Russia. In democracies, generalized trust establishes large-scale trust…
Confabulating with Arsalan Arain Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Ministry of Defense Jahangir's World Times (JWT): Please tell us about your educational background Arsalan Arain (AA): I did my graduation in…