EMOJI How the millennia-long reign of words was toppled Usman Ahmad A computer scientist used the very first emoticon by putting a colon, minus and bracket together to imply that…
JWT Englidh Feb-2023
EMOJI How the millennia-long reign of words was toppled Usman Ahmad A computer scientist used the very first emoticon by putting a colon, minus and bracket together to imply that…
23 Lessons for 2023 Things you should stop doing to yourself 1. Spending time with wrong people Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness…
Ayla Majid ACCA's first woman vice president from South Asia If Zara Naeem Dar made the country proud in 2021 by achieving the highest score globally in Financial Reporting for…
World in Focus (DEC-JAN 2022-23) National & International With MCQs Dec. 16: PPP leader Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar announced quitting the party after differences arose over his stance on the government's…
Global Food System is Very Fragile Osama Rizvi The word 'fragile' often appears with a warning: “handle with care”. Given the fragility of our global food system, this should be…
The Sustainability of Pakistan’s External Public Debt Sarmad Jabbar At the end of the first quarter of the financial year 2023, i.e. on 30th September 2022, the total public debt…
Economics of Policy Interest Rates in Pakistan Dr. Qais Aslam Policy interest rates are a policy instrument of the Central Bank that is used to manipulate the money supply in…
Prof. Dr. Abdul Wajid Khan Chairman, Media Studies Department, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Muhammad Atif Sheikh On this year's World Radio Day, which falls on February 13, we held…
Basic Etiquettes for Performing Command Tast Performing command task is an essential part of the CSS psychological assessment test. It examines the capacity of a would-be officer to: lead in…